BonaRes Soil Profile Database

This input mask can be used to enter and publish soil profiles that were collected in accordance with the German Soil Mapping Standard KA3-KA5, as well as associated laboratory analyzes. Profile data or collections of soil profiles will be published in the BonaRes Repository and get a DOI in order to make them accessible, reusable and citable for other scientists.

Profile details

Verbale Bemerkungen, Texte und Hinweise zu dem Profil
Wenn nur das Jahr vorliegt, bitte immer “1.Januar” eintragen, wenn nur Monat und Jahr vorliegen bitte den Monatsersten eintragen
Name des Kartierers (Titeldaten, Feld 5)
Name of the research project in which this profile was collected
Comment to the project
Comments on title dates
Art des Profilaufschlusses
Feld 5
weiteres Merkmal für Anthropogene Veraenderung
Aufnahmesituation Bemerkung (comment)
Feld 56
Feld 57
If available, please enter the WRB soil type name
Comment on profile label
Short name of the soil type after German classification
* Feld 50
Feld 51
Feld 52
* Feld 11
Feld 12
Feld 13
* Feld 14
Feld 15
Feld 16
Feld 17
Feld 18
Feld 55
* Feld 19
Stand unter der Gelaendeoberflaeche
Feld 54
The upper boarder of the horizon
The lower boarder of the horizon
Horizons boarder (Feld26)
* Feld 27
* Feld 29
Feld 45
Feld 46
Feld 49
Feld 42
* Feld 43
* Feld 44
in %
Feld 30
Feld 30
Feld 30
Feld 30
Feld 30
Feld 31
Feld 31
Feld 31
Feld 31
Feld 31
Feld 32
Feld 34
Feld 34
Feld 34
Feld 34
Feld 34
Feld 35
Feld 36
Feld 37
Feld 38
Feld 39
Feld 41a
Feld 41b
Feld 41b
Feld 33
Feld 40
Feld 47a
Feld 47b
Feld 47c
Feld 47d
Feld 47e
Feld 48

Sample available

(in meters)
Country of profile recording
State of the profile recording
further information about the examination site

Attachments available