Overview of Long-Term Field Experiments (LTE)

This LTE overview map, developed under the BonaRes initiative at ZALF, currently encompasses data from +570 agricultural experiments with a duration of at least a minimum of 20 years. The following networks are included: EJP SOIL (European Joint Programme), GLTEN (Global long-term experiment network), ILTER (International long-term ecological research), IOSDV (International Organic Nitrogen Fertilization Experiment), NLFT (National Long-term Fertilization Trials, Hungary), RetiBio 2 (Italy).

(You can get easy access to your LTE of interest by using the categories as a filter criteria.)

# Name Country
For questions or to add your LTE to the map, please contact Cenk Dönmez: .

Published Articles

1. Donmez C., Sahingoz M., Paul C., Cilek A., Hoffmann C., Berberoglu S., Webber H., Helming K., (2024): Climate change causes spatial shifts in the productivity of agricultural long-term field experiments. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2024.127121. Published in: European Journal of Agronomy.

2. Blanchy G., D’Hose T., Klummp K., Makoschitz L., Spiegel A., Murugan R., Sanden T., O’Sullivan L., Donmez C., Svoboda N., Hoffmann C., (2024). An open-source metadataset of running European mid- and long-term agricultural field experiments. https://doi.org/10.1111/sum.12978. Vol.: 40, Issue: 1. Published in: Soil Use and Management.

3. Donmez C., Schmidt M., Cilek A., Grosse M., Paul C., Hierold W., Helming K., (2023): Climate Change Impacts on Long-Term Field Experiments in Germany. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2022.103578. Vol.205, 103578. Published in: Agricultural Systems.

4. Donmez, C., Hoffmann, C., Svoboda, N., Atemkeng, M.F., Ostler, R., Kersebaum, K.C., D’Hose, T, Specka X., Hierold, W., Helming, K. * (2023): Long-Term Field Experiments-Lift the agricultural data treasure: Highlights and Abstracts. Published in: BonaRes Series 2023/1. DOI: 10.20387/BonaRes-7SS0-ZM41.

5. . Donmez C., Blanchy G., Svoboda N., D’Hose T., Hoffmann C., Hierold W., Klummp K., (2022): Provision of the metadata of European Agricultural Long-Term Experiments through BonaRes and EJP SOIL Collaboration. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2022.108226. Published in: Data in Brief.

6. Grosse, M. et al., (2021): Metadata of agricultural long-term experiments in Europe exclusive of Germany. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2021.107322. Published in: Data in Brief.

7. Grosse, M. et al., (2020): Long-term field experiments in Germany: classification and spatial representation. https://doi.org/10.5194/soil-6-579-2020. Published in: Soil.

Data Availability

1. "Provision of Metadata of European Agricultural Long-Term Experiments through BonaRes and EJP SOIL Collaboration" BonaRes. Repos., v1 (2022) https://doi.org/10.20387/bonares-40kc-2661

2. "Agricultural long-term experiments in Europe outside Germany", Bona Res. Repos., v1 (2021) https://doi.org/10.20387/bonares-eff3-0mb4

3. "Long-term Field Experiments in Germany", Bona Res. Repos., v1 (2019) https://doi.org/10.20387/BonaRes-3TR6-MG8R